One word card collection

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The tanmen was so delicious...


Tanmen in the noodle corner was very delicious. Is there a possibility that other restaurants will reopen in the future?
* I want to take vegetables in bulk as much as possible.

Also, is it possible to provide only stir-fried vegetables?
Raw vegetables are bulky, so please stir-fry them.
In addition, okra is delicious every time!


Thank you for your feedback.
Thank you for enjoying "Tanmen". I am very happy to hear the words of praise. The second cafeteria and the Faculty of Agriculture cafeteria offer tanmen, but from now on, the second cafeteria will serve it on a daily basis at the Faculty of Agriculture cafeteria.
In addition, we are offering "vegetable stir-fry", but at the central cafeteria, we plan to offer "pork vegetable salt-fried" at the cafeteria corner for one week next week only. Please give it a try. If there are many requests after that, we will consider reviving it.
