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Driver's License, Qualifications, Tests, W SchoolLicense・Qualification School

Information from driver's licenses, qualifications, tests, and W school

Driver's license

We offer a commuting system that allows you to commute from home and a training camp system that you can acquire in a short period of about two weeks.

Qualification/W school

■For information on free briefing sessions and seminars sponsored by each qualification school, please see
X's Komaba Book Club AccountWe will notify you from time to time.

At the University of Tokyo Co-op, you can attend a qualification school (double school) at member prices.

How to apply directly through the qualification school's website or counter

The application method differs depending on the qualification school. Please check the PDF file below for details. Member prices are also listed.
*Ohara Gakuen coupon number is [sw250307661055].
*For schools not listed in the PDF file, please visit a Co-op store to apply.
 Please contact us regarding the availability of each qualification school.

List of union membership prices for major qualification schools (PDF file)
Please check at the store for qualification schools other than those listed above.

How to apply by visiting the book department

You can apply and pay at the Co-op Book Department service counter. Please bring something that shows the course name and price, such as a pamphlet of the course you wish to take. For membership prices, please refer to the PDF file above or the brochure of each school.

① First, please fill out the application form at the Book Department counter.
Our staff will confirm and inform you of the tuition fee. The payment method for the course fee is as follows.
●Payment method
A. Cash, credit card
B. Bank transfer to the University of Tokyo Co-op account (details will be explained when you visit the store)
C. University Co-op Loan (Details will be explained when you visit our store)

②We will issue and hand over your attendance confirmation and study guide application form.
The attendance confirmation is a certificate that shows that payment has been completed.
The study guide application form is a document that includes the name of the course you will be attending.
●For payment method A...We will issue and hand over the documents immediately on the spot.
●For payment method B...The University of Tokyo Co-op will issue the documents as soon as the transfer is confirmed. Please contact us by phone and come visit us again.
●For payment method C...Documents will be issued as soon as the loan application is completed. Please contact us by phone and come visit us again.

③Please bring the attendance confirmation letter and study guide application form to the reception desk of each qualification school or mail them.
By completing this step, the enrollment procedure will be completed.

For details and information about applying from each campus,herePlease confirm.
