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One word card collection

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The funny Japanese in the cafeteria at the University of Tokyo is a laughing stock on social media...

I want konjac jelly...

Online book inventory search and ordering system...


About the online book inventory search and ordering system.
Basically, I think it's very convenient, but I feel like the contents of the cart disappear when I log out. I thought it would be easier to use if there were functions such as "wish list" and "save the contents of the cart".
If possible, I would appreciate your consideration.


As you pointed out, if you log out, unordered cart contents will not be saved. We will consider implementing functions such as wish list and saving cart contents in the future. Regarding the results of the consideration, if we can implement it, we will notify you as a new function on the system, and if we can not implement it, we will notify you again as a precaution for use.

The vegan curry is delicious!

More Chicken Tatsuta Don...

natto please...

Please extend the opening hours...

The wall on the left immediately after entering the passage is too dirty


The wall on the left side of the aisle from the co-op store side to the central cafeteria is too dirty, and it is unhygienic. I think it's mold or mud. I strongly request cleaning.


Thank you for pointing this out. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

As for the dirt on the wall you pointed out, mold is the main stain. Up until now, we have tried to clean the walls with mold removers many times, but they are almost ineffective because of the concrete walls. It has become a form that remains in the state of. We will share this matter with the university facilities and continue to make improvements.

Old dandan noodles contained bean sprouts...
