Business card (standard course)

Business cards (standard course) are recommended for the following people.

  • I want to create a business card with a design that is not available in the web proofing system.
  • I want to print an original logo or face photo

If the following apply to you, please check the link.

How to apply

You can apply by visiting our store or by email. Please apply at the store where you would like to receive it. (Hongo Second Purchasing Department, Komaba Purchasing Department, Komaba Research Campus Purchasing, Faculty of Agriculture Purchasing, Kashiwa Academic Shop, Medical Research Institute Purchasing)
You can also apply using past business cards or business cards written on the business cards of other people in the same department.

Delivery date/printing method

Delivery time: Approximately 1 week (This is the general delivery time when printing is done with one proofing. Items will be delivered to the store approximately 4 business days after proofreading.)
Printing method: On-demand printing (Premium course uses offset printing.)

price list

100 pieces200 pieces300 pieces400 pieces500 pieces
Both sides color/black4810 yen6600 yen7830 yen7680 yen9900 yen
one side black3160 yen4120 yen4950 yen5840 yen6600 yen
single side color3850 yen5220 yen6180 yen7010 yen7970 yen
double-sided monochrome3980 yen5360 yen6180 yen7010 yen7970 yen
Double-sided color/color5770 yen7420 yen8930 yen10310 yen11550 yen

Contact information

Hongo/Asano Campus
2nd Purchasing Department
TEL: 03-3816-3971
(Extension 27988)
Yayoi Campus
Faculty of Agriculture Books and Purchasing
TEL: 03-3812-0577
(Extension 27993)
Komaba Campus
Komaba Purchasing Department
TEL: 03-3469-7141
(Extension 46183)
Komaba Research Campus
Komaba Research Campus Purchasing
TEL: 03-5452-6700
(extension 56700)
Kashiwa Campus
Kashiwa Academic shop
TEL: 04-7135-8117
(extension 61020)
Shirokanedai Campus
Medical Research Institute Purchasing
TEL: 03-3449-8946
(extension 75578)